Online War Games to Test Your War Tactics and Battle Skills

Avatar themillennialtv_5cixgx | August 2, 2017 147 Views 0 Likes 0 Ratings

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There is no dearth of gamers all over the world who love to play war games and search for quality war games they can play online. It is this requirement of the gamers that is completed by going to a site that has all the popular games based on the theme of war. If the games on the site are different and are based upon skills and strategy it becomes very exciting and fun to play.


There are numerous war games which are enough to keep the gamer engrossed for hours. Now a person who loves war games need not waste time and energy by having to visit many sites. Instead, he gets the opportunity to play different kinds of war games on a single website which is a very relieving for the lovers of war games. Games like Call of Duty, Gears of War2, Age of Empires III, Empire Total War, and Operation Flashpoint2: Dragon Rising, which have become almost like folklore among war game lovers are all there in all there glory on the site.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is a shooter game which has war in the background and is played as a first person. Available on all platforms like Xbox 360, PS3 and PC, this game has broken all records of popularity till date. It is played online by thousands of players at the same time, which indicates the level of success the game has enjoyed among the gamers of the world. The setting is in Afghanistan, and the player assumes the identity of a commando out there to wipe out the terrorists. There are many missions, and the game undergoes many twists and turns before climaxing. The game has some stunning graphics and great audio quality and the play is very interesting. This is one reason players keep playing this game.

For those who like to play games full of strategy and thinking, there is Gears of War2, which is going to be officially released in November. This is a fast paced action game which requires a lot of skills besides aiming.

Empire Total War takes the player into medieval times, and it is a turn based game of strategy and skills. There is a campaign given to the player, and he has t complete it using his skills and shooting prowess. There are many factions s the game and the player has the liberty to take part in the game owing allegiance to one of the main factions.

Those of you who are interested in playing real time strategy war games will find The Age of Empire an irresistible game. The setting is in the 1800's when the European powers are trying to take control of many territories in North and South America. The major powers of the world are England, France, Russia, Germany, Portugal with each one having differences with others on the economic and military front.

There are many other online war games which will draw your breath away. Though the games look similar, they are vastly different and the player feels the difference when he tries all of them.

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Written by themillennialtv_5cixgx